Soft-Tissue Grafting

A soft tissue graft is used when there has been a significant amount of gum recession in a particular area. Slight gum recession can usually be fixed with a few changes to your oral hygiene routine to take better care of your teeth and gums.

When the gingiva recedes further, it exposes you to greater risk of infection and bacterial penetration. You will likely be more sensitive to hot and cold foods when you have receding gums. If the gums recede enough as to expose the root, you can set yourself up for more serious problems. The root is softer than the enamel, making it more vulnerable to bacteria and plaque.

To restore proper gum level and functionality, a soft tissue graft can be performed. This is done by either removing soft tissue from the roof of the mouth or repositioning healthy gum tissue from adjacent teeth. This procedure is very predictable and has a high success rate. This procedure should be performed before more serious problems develop and periodontal surgery is necessary.

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